School Meme

There are all kinds of memes and memes are everywhere, they are like a virus that you can’t get rid of. They are there and you can’t do anything about it.So let’s get into a couple school related, and particularly math related, on the nerd side. For all those nerds out there this pick up line is for you.mathGo out to that cheerleader crush of yours and say this while they are doing their math homework. I guarantee they will get a laugh from it. Now is it good… No, it is not. But they will laugh, not because it’s good but because it’s terrible. IF you say this you will be crowned nerd. End of story.

On a more serious note this one is lit.


Are you math enough for this.

Let’s explain…

The i is the symbol for imaginary in math because the square root of negative one is i and you can’t square root a negative so that’s why its imaginary. That’s why pi say to be real because he is imaginary.

Now i says to be rational because of pi. Unlike i, pi is real, but pi is endless. pi is calculated as 3.14 but that’s just rounded. How you calculate pi, I don’t know.But pi is 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620












7875937519577818577805321712268066130019278766111959092164201989 etc.

It just never stops. That was only one thousand digits. Try mesmerizing that for a test. Good luck and may 3 months of no life be with you.

I hope you have had your fill of corny math jokes for the day, my math class has at least four everyday. I really start to loathe them, so I share my passion to my blog for I am so popular and all of about 20 people will see it. I hope it brightened your day.

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